Theory of how Euph met Trevor
Introduction of how I'm back- Boring part, you can skip
Many of you last saw me using that one Stalker Cam. I won't be talking about that. Bad experience, bad experience... However I decided to start telling my good old stories about RuneVillagers again. The ones registered after June 2005 might not know what I'm talking about. My last story was about why Dustin liked yellow so much. Now to start off with a new story.
The Story
The story all starts in April 2003, Euph has just joined Runescape. Euph being very manly with a very huge masculinity in him decides he needs to go to the closest story nearby to get his hair done. This of course is Bob's Axe; I mean seriously, what other story can you get your hair done at? So Euph walks in and asks Bob if he can get his hair done. Bob mistakes this for "ch0p m3 h3d 0ff 4 phr33 pl0x!!111??//" So it's what he gets!
One second he sees the axe approaching the next he sees "phr33 r3d dy3!!!111" He closes his eyes then opens them again. He's in a completely new area. The place he started off at, how odd is that? Euph runs around in circles like a doo doo head so he can get dizzy. A level 115 walks up to him, "What the heck are you doing?" he asks. "Uhh… Raising my cumoodu level?" Euph quickly replies without thinking. "Cumoodu level, eh? Come with me I'll show you where to train your 'combat' level," the level 115 tells him. Euph follows until they reach the goblins.
Euph carefully observes the goblin. "Hmm.. he looks tasty..." Euph says out loud. "THESE ARE NOT FOR EATING YOU NUMBSKULL!" the level 115 explains. Euph is pretty sad about hearing this so he skips away as fast as he can to go talk to a monk. On his way there he crashes into the Draynor Mansion place! Tons of trees start teaming up on him.
Of course you'd expect Trev to magically appear. That's later.. Anyways the trees start hitting high numbers like 1s and 2s Euph was standing in the middle of them in pain. His clothes were starting to get ripped up even more and a couple seconds later everything became pitch black. He shook his head and guess where he was? Back to Lumbridge! Euph was tired of this; he had to do something with his Runescape Life! He went to the Wilderness with his best armor to seek for adventure.
As he traveled through the wilderness nothing and no one was found. He looked around for hours and hours. Still no one. All of the sudden he lands upon a message. A message telling him to follow the white gravel road. He looks around but doesn't find anything. A purple circle starts to form around him and a couple seconds later he's in a black room with a white gravel road. He looks at himself and notices he has a bit of a clothes change as for his hair, he can't tell if it's changed or not.
He decides to do as the message has told him to and follows. For hours and hours he just follows and follows with no results but yet he still continues. After about 12 hours of walking he notices a yellow door. He runs to it and opens it. When entering inside the place the door leads to he finds himself in.. LUMBRIDGE! He's back at Lumbridge yet again. He smacks himself on the forhead then walks around. No one is there. No NPCs, no Humans, no Buildings. Just grass, water and passages. He walks around and yells for help. Just echos. Suddenly he hears loud footsteps...
A midget approaches him with a long sword in his hand. He gives Euph an evil stare. A stare that will remain like a scar in Euph's mind. The moment is intense. The midget opens his mouth, "You've got mail!" he says. Euph raises his eyebrow, "Say woooot?" The midget smiles at him and replies, "Click here to open your message!" Euph pokes the midget.
Suddenly the midget starts speaking in an evil voice that has an odd Dath Vader-ish sound to it. "Come to World 53, go to the Blue Moon Inn and if someone asks the password say 'My Mom smells like onions.'" The midget suddenly disapears in mid air. Euph decides to go and set off to find this mysterious place. He travels all the F2p Worlds by foot for various amounts of days until he reaches World 53. "YAY! I finally made it!" Euph exclaims, as he arrives to his destination. He knocks on the door and says the password.
As he enters this "lair" he observes around him. It's a very dark and scary place. Everyone seems half drunk, angry or sleeping. The midget who he had seen before walks up to him. "Hello there! Would you like to purchase these new thongs for 25% off! Click here to see more information!" Euph smacked the midget. The midget was shocked but cleared up his throat, "Sir Nubsalot wishes to see you upstairs." Euph nods his head and goes upstairs.
Euph walks into the room and sees an old man with rusty bronze armor in a throne. "Hello there young one, I see you have recieved my message," the old one says as he sees Euph. "Uhh.. durrr... I guessin' I 'ave?" Euph replies. The old man stares at him not understanding a thing, "Anyways, I need you to set off to steal a Dragon Egg, could you do that for me?" Euph thinks for a couple of seconds then agrees. He sets out to find the egg!
He keeps on jogging without knowing where to go until suddenly he lands upon eggs. Unfortunately they are chicken eggs so the chickens start pecking one of his eyeballs out but he manages to continue. He keeps on going and after yet even more days of searching he finds them! He approaches them but suddenly a gang of Dragon spots him. They all come closer to him and start beating him up which causes the ground to shake.
The ground shakes so much that one little dragon pops out and at that exact moment one of the dragons have a radioactive sweat which drops on the little dragon. The baby dragon suddenly has an equivalent amount of strength that an adult dragon has. This baby dragon decides to take the human's side in the fight and starts to kill all the Dragons who were beating him up.
After the fight Euph and the dragon started becoming friends. The dragon unfortunately had no parents so Euph decided to adopt it. He tried to friend it a name but nothing came to mind. He kept thinking and thinking until suddenly he came up with a name! TREV! Which stands for The Really Euph Vriend. One day though Trev started becoming evil so Euph locked him up in his sig. Trev was not very happy so he ripped a tiny hole and till that day Trev and Euph are buddies!
Written by: HawaiiGopher
Proofread by: HawaiiGopher
Coded by: HawaiiGopher